About Dr. Olga Zabora


"The magic happens when the right coach shows up at the right time and helps to transform a limited mindset using the power of your mind intentionally and skillfully"

- Dr. Olga Zabora

Let Dr. Olga Zabora Guide You to the Life You Deserve to Have...
Let Dr. Olga Zabora Guide You To The Life You Deserve To Have...

MeetĀ Dr. Olga Zabora


Dr. Olga Zabora is a Transformational Master NLP Coach, internationally bestselling author, and renowned expert in the field of personal development.

With a deep passion for understanding the human psyche and facilitating profound transformations, Dr. Zabora has dedicated her life to guiding individuals on their personal journeys of self-discovery and growth.

ā Thank you for bringing all your knowledge to people, who need it! You are the best! āž

- Nadia Tumas

More About Dr. Olga Zabora

MeetĀ Dr. Olga Zabora


Dr. Olga Zabora is a Transformational Master NLP Coach, internationally bestselling author, and renowned expert in the field of personal development.

With a deep passion for understanding the human psyche and facilitating profound transformations, Dr. Zabora has dedicated her life to guiding individuals on their personal journeys of self-discovery and growth.

ā Thank you for bringing all your knowledge to people, who need it! You are the best! āž

- Nadia Tumas

More About Dr. Olga Zabora

Breaking Free: Dr. Olga Zabora's guidance using NLP technique from Diet Coke to Water

Witness the remarkable transformation as Dr. Olga Zabora guides a man with magic of NLP "Likes to Dislike" technique in just few mins. At the start of the session, he confesses, "I don't drink water coz it's boring and I gotta drink something." However, as the session progresses, a profound shift occurs, and he exclaims with sincerity, "Seriously, I feel like I want a glass of water right now!"

Experience the power of Dr. Olga's guidance as she helps individuals embrace healthier choices and overcome their life challenges.

Discover The Transformative Power Of Dr. Olga's Holistic Approach And Embark On A Profound Journey Of Self-Discovery And Empowerment

Dr. Olga's dedication to learning from the best in the field has equipped her with a deep understanding of various therapeutic modalities and techniques. Now, she is passionate about sharing her extensive knowledge and expertise to empower others on their transformative journeys.


Transform Your Life with Dr. Olga's Personal NLP Coaching Program


To My Transformation āž

Heal & Open UpĀ to Life with 3-partĀ ONLINE course based on her book:
Collect Your Pearls of Wisdom


To My Pearls of Wisdom āž

Embrace Your Feminine Nature with Signature Journey to Self-Actualized Goddess™


To My Goddess Actualization āž

Dr. Olga's Extensive Expertise


Dr. Olga Zabora, PsyD, is a highly qualified and extensively trained professional in the field of psychology. Her impressive qualifications include:

  • Studying with renowned experts in the psychology field, such as Dr. Jack Kornfield, Dr. Dan J. Siegel, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and Dr. Brian Weiss, MD, specializing in areas like past life and spiritual regressions.
    - Training with Dr. Richard Bandler, the founder of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a powerful approach for personal and professional development.


Dr. Olga Zabora, PsyD, brings a wealth of personal experiences and deep explorations to her work. She has delved into various modalities and practices, including:

  • Jungian therapy: Exploring the depths of the unconscious mind and symbolic representations.
  • Dream analysis: Unraveling the meanings and messages hidden within dreams.
  • Holotropic Breathworkā„¢ with Dr. Stan Grof, MD, PhD: Harnessing the power of breath to access altered states of consciousness and facilitate healing.
  • Meditation: Cultivating inner stillness and mindfulness to enhance self-awareness and emotional well-being.
  • Mindfulness: Embracing the present moment with non-judgmental awareness.
  • Yoga: Incorporating physical postures, breathwork, and meditation for holistic well-being.
    - Chi gong with Mantak Chia: Practicing ancient Chinese exercises to cultivate and balance life energy.
  • Philosophical tantra Kashmir Shaivism with Sally Kempton: Exploring the sacred teachings of tantra to awaken spiritual energy and consciousness.
  • Sacred temple Mandala dance in India: Connecting with the divine feminine through sacred movement and expression.
  • Multiple studies about feminine nature and energy from world-renowned professionals: Gaining in-depth knowledge and insights into the essence of femininity.

In addition to her experiential journey, Dr. Olga holds certificates from:

  • the Optimum Health Institute and has completed the Advanced Nutritional andĀ Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Professionals course
  • She has also dedicated years to studying shamanism through Michael Harner's foundation and integrating other spiritual practices.

This diverse background allows Dr. Olga to integrate her vast knowledge and apply it effectively in assisting clients on their life journeys, facilitating lasting positive changes.

My Mission...

With Dr. Olga Zabora, PsyD, You Can Benefit From Her Extensive Expertise And Unique Blend Of Therapeutic Approaches!

With Dr. Olga Zabora, PsyD, you can be confident in receiving guidance and support from a qualified professional who is committed to helping you unleash your inner potential and create positive changes in your life.

My Story

Let me share a personal story from my own transformative journey. It all began many years ago when I was just 18 and embarked on a profound exploration of the human psyche. At that time, I delved into Freudian psychoanalysis, focusing on the fascinating realm of dream analysis. This initial step sparked a deep curiosity within me to understand the inner workings of the mind and the depths of our subconscious.

Driven by a thirst for knowledge and personal growth, I actively engaged in Jungian workshops and seminars, immersing myself in the teachings of Carl Jung and expanding my understanding of the archetypes and symbolism that shape our experiences. This journey of self-discovery led me to embrace transpersonal psychology and the transformative power of breathwork retreats, where I could explore the depths of the unconscious and tap into the wisdom buried within.

Continuing my quest, I ventured into the realms of hypnosis and Past Life Regression, peering into the mysteries of our past and uncovering hidden insights that could shed light on our present lives. Through the practice of Holotropic Breathworkā„¢, I experienced profound states of consciousness and accessed deeper layers of my own psyche.



My exploration didn't stop there. I eagerly pursued a comprehensive Jungian program, delving further into the realms of archetypal and dream analysis. I also delved into philosophical tantra, studying the profound teachings of Kashmir Shaivism. Seeking a connection with ancient wisdom, I embarked on shamanic journeys, following the footsteps of Michael Harner's Foundation.

To refine my understanding and deepen my ability to support others, I became a Master NLP Coaching and Trainer's Trainer, honing my skills in guiding individuals towards transformation and growth. I also embraced mindfulness practices, incorporating the teachings from UCLA programs into my own life.

This personal journey, filled with profound experiences and transformative practices, has shaped my perspective as a clinician and coach. It has allowed me to witness firsthand the incredible capacity for healing and growth that lies within each of us.

Through sharing my personal story and the wisdom gained from my own journey, I hope to inspire and empower others to embark on their own transformative paths, discovering the limitless potential that resides within them.



Learn More About Dr. Olga's Extensive Studies

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Why I Do It


My mission is to empower individuals to overcome their limiting beliefs and achieve their full potential by providing transformative coaching, cutting-edge techniques, and deep spiritual insights.

Through my unique blend of NLP, hypnotherapy, Jungian analysis, and shamanic practices, I aim to help my clients awaken to their true selves, access their inner wisdom, and create a life of purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

I am dedicated to creating a safe and supportive space for growth, healing, and self-discovery, and to guiding each person towards their own unique path of self-realization.

Let Me Guide You...